A single blessings

There’s a beautiful word in Arabic,
“Alhamdulillah ala kulli haal”

“All praise and thanks are only for Allah in ALL circumstances”

Which applies to being single too and not just hardships and tests in life. In fact being single is also a test to oneself and abstaining from sinful act.

In my 20s I usually attend weddings, by 30s, some of my friends are already divorced, that’s the reality.

But I also witnessed my friends passing away at the age of 30 & my mom passed away at 60 which makes you question a lot on what is the meaning of life.

Being single doesn’t bother me anymore, thank you for your concerns. I don’t look for happiness in people. I am happy with myself and loving myself the way I am.

I enjoy being single , having my quality alone time. No I don’t oppose marriage, I still do believe in it but it is not my priority.

I believe in Allah swt timing and He knows what is best for me. And if what is best for me now is being single, I am going to do my best to enjoy being single while I still can.

There’s a blessing in disguise and baraqah in it if we are grateful. Married or single is our Rizq. Both have their own challenges and advantages. If we are given a spouse and children , be grateful because Allah swt gives us the chance to be responsible of another human being, if we don’t have children , be thankful too, for Allah swt may also protect you from circumstances that we may not be prepared to handle, and if you have neither spouse or children, be even more thankful because perhaps Allah swt is saving you for someone whom you deserve but it’s not the time yet. But, you will soon cross path when the timing is right

Just like the sun never fails to set, or the moon to rise, or the tide to begin, and everything else designed and created in its own time and proportions so will your spouse arrive in it’s own time.

Allah swt does not create us just to waste or ‘sia-sia’. There’s a lot of ayat in the Quran that was taught to us on our purpose in life.

Instead, Allah swt created us as Caliph, to pray and worship Him , and only to Him we shall return!

حَيَّ عَلَى الصَّلاَةِ
حَيَّ عَلَى الْفَلاَحِ

Pray and pursue excellence !
Pray and success will follow!

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